How big is a the footprint for a TrainerCom Rack, a bike and a trainer.
The footprint of a TrainerCom rack, a 56 cm bike and a Taxc Neo is 69-½” and 30-½”. The footprint of the TrainerCom rack is 20-½” long x 19-½” wide.
If I purchase a TrainerCom Base Rack can I upgrade it to a Mini-Cave rack?
Yes, racks are upgradeable with TC 2.1 components. To upgrade to a mini-cave rack you can add a 48” mast, a monitor mount, a computer mount, a fan, and a keyboard/laptop tray.
How do I remove scratches or stains on TrainerCom aluminum tubes?
Yes, stains and scratches can be easily removed from the aluminum tubing. Simply take a synthetic scrub pad, such as the one near your sink for washing dishes, and rub the area of the aluminum needing to be refreshed. Dry and clean with damp paper towel.
How do I eliminate my TrainerCom fan from having wiggle with its aluminum tube.
Although your TrainerCom fan is securely attached to the aluminum tube there is a slight play necessary to let you disconnect the two components if you want to later disassemble. If want to permanently attach the fan to its tube, and eliminate all play, just remove the tube by twisting counter clockwise, put a spot of superglue on to the screw inside the fan’s tube sleeve, and reconnect the fan tube to the fan by twisting clockwise.